Friday 5 September 2014

What to do at Malacca on a weekday evening?

Hmmm...tough question. At the moment, nothing much except hanging out at the various pubs and taking a boat ride.

Malacca River view during dusk...
The nearest karaoke is a 5-7 minutes trishaw ride to a shopping mall, the revolving 80-metres tall Menara Taming Sari or the Jetty.

More and more restoration works are being done on these buildings which are rumoured to easily cost RM1 million and above. So, there will be more exciting things to come and you should make a trip back here.

I would advise any traveler to spend on a good hotel room at Malacca, preferably one with a big soft bed and bathtub or dipping pool, windows or balconies in these pre-war buildings.

These are very rare at the moment in this UNESCO Heritage City. Malacca City is a good place to catch up on sleep especially if you come from highly stressful cities with little work-life balance. *winks*

A pre-war building being restored along the road connecting Kota Laksamana to Malacca Chinatown

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